Wednesday, 21 March 2012

A windy day on an African farm...

I recently moved from the city of Johannesburg to join my fiancee and love of my life.  Oh, Johannesburg - the financial capital of Southern Africa - to a warm and dusty farm in the Eastern Cape.  I gave up my business, I traded in my Chanel pumps for no name brand gum boots; I inherited what they term today "an instant family", and I set myself free from my previous happy existence in order to pursue what I believed would be an even happier one.

Reality struck when I was suddenly without work, without any disposable income and, quite frankly, without a sense of humour and a fast failing central nervous system!  There was nothing funny in this situation.

One day rolled into another; one day of accomplishing nothing led to another one that was just the same.  I sat and moped and felt sorry for myself and missed my old comforts and day dreamed about the novel I will one day complete, and the wealth I will one day find.

Then suddenly one day, I awoke to the most perfect morning.
I looked outside and the few clouds on the horizon were pink, and with that, my heart changed from the pitch black emotion it had become used to, to the pink pulsating feeling that life is what you make of it, and that one's thoughts become one's reality.

I am still "a long way from home", quite literally, and also a long way from creating the life I truly want and fulfilling the dreams I have daily, but I have begun, and that is the most important part.  Each day is a journey, clawing myself back to my previous happiness.  It is up to me now to make my happiness, to love my surroundings, to be positive and work hard, to provide happiness to those I hope to work with in the future - to take those steps...

I am not giving up... on the contrary, I am only just beginning.

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