Friday 21 December 2012

So long, farewell 2012.

The year is drawing to a close, and with it comes mixed feelings as to whether this is a good or a bad thing.  For many, 2012 has been a very tough year, and I am afraid I am no exception to this.  I got caught in the fishing net of trouble at various times throughout the year, but, as they say in the classics, you just can’t keep a good woman down.  This implies I am good, but I am afraid I will take the Fifth Amendment on that one.
We all seem to have faced an inordinate number of challenges this year, but we are still here to tell the tale.  The world didn’t end yesterday, which was a huge relief; the Mayan calendar may have drawn to a close, but clearly this is just an opportunity to make a new one.

When I look back on the year, I have few regrets, many memories, and a massive feeling of positivity about what lies ahead.
I have turned forty, I have celebrated, I have sampled the wine, and I have taken the Panado’s.

I am writing this from the sea side, which in itself is a massive treat, and creativity seems to flow in with the tides.  The weather is perfect, the shells on the beach prolific, the sea gulls enthusiastic in their flight, the oysters fresh and chilled.
And so, to the New Year.  May it be a good one for us all.

Rest in peace 2012 – forever remembered, fondly forgotten.

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